Manna Pro®Medicated Chick Starter Grower is formulated for the development of active immunity to help prevent coccidiosis, increased rate of weight gain, and improved feed efficiency in replacement chickens.
Medicated (with Amprolium) complete crumble for chicks from 0 to 16 weeks
18% protein for weight gain and muscle development
Fortified with vitamins and minerals for healthy growth and sound development
Available in 5 lb bag.
(Looking for an organic starter feed? We offer that too!)
Directions For Use:Feed Manna Pro Chick Starter Grower Medicated Crumblesto young chickens from hatching until about 16 weeks of age when they transition to a layer feed. It is generally recommended to give growing chicks free access to feed, allowing them to consume all they want.
General Feeding Management: Provide fresh, clean water at all times.
Caution:Do not use Amprolium in feeds containing bentonite.
Reminder:Feed is perishable. Store this product in a cool, dry area away from rodents and insects.
Warning:Use as the sole source of Amprolium. DO NOT offer any feed that is spoiled, moldy, rodent or insect infested, or abnormal in appearance or odor, as it may cause illness or death. This product contains supplemental copper. DO NOT feed to sheep or other copper-sensitive species.